OYO Out Side Plant (OSP) Telecommunications Construction Services Include:
- Design & Engineering of Telecommunications OSP Network
- Project & Construction Management+
- OSP Maintenance and Technical Services
- Rural Broadband Deployment
- Long Haul Long Distance Deployments
- Aerial Construction
- Low Voltage Installation
- Coax//Fiber Placement
- Coax/Fiber Removal
- Provisioning, Testing & Turn Up
- Drop Placement
- Primary and Secondary Fiber Rings
- Cell Tower Back-haul
OYO OSP Services Include:
OYO Design & Engineering of Telecommunications OSP Network:
- Fiber segmentation and splitter placement
- Route selection and design
- Pole access including Joint Pole Agreements access
- Pole loading and other engineering considerations
- New Plant Extensions
- Underground Conduit & Manhole Design
OYO Project & Construction Management:
- Professional construction and installation of Overhead and Underground Broadband cables:
- Fiber Optic
- Coaxial
- Cost-effective cable placement
- Splicing and Underground construction
- Installation of Broadband Terminating Equipment
- Material Management
- Quality Control
OYO Network Maintenance and Technical Services:
- Inspections and repairs
- Aerial / Underground Maintenance
- Fiber Testing
- Fiber Audits
- RF Module Upgrades and Activation
- Power Supply Maintenance / Replacement
- Wreck-out
We are fully equipped with the experience, resources, and equipment to provide all of your telecommunication OSP construction needs.